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Our Approach to Maths


We are moving towards using the NCETM curriculum map which supports a cohesive curriculum. Starting from strong foundations and building on those, we will do this in phases starting with EYFS, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 in Spring 1 2024 and building upon this each academic year.


We follow a Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach to mathematics. Children are moved between concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract representations.  

Each year group has access to: Maths no Problem textbooks and workbooks as guidance; NCETM Professional Development materials, NCETM Spines and NCETM curriculum maps, White Rose resources, Mastering Number, TTRockstars and Numberblocks to support fluency, problem solving and reasoning.

All children have access to concrete apparatus when appropriate and teachers craft lessons carefully to match models to the manipulatives on offer.

Microscopic Progression

Teachers carefully construct sequences of lessons using microscopic progression; small, well-segmented steps required to reach a specific learning goal linked to the National Curriculum, as outlined by the NCETM Professional Development Materials and Curriculum Maps and White Rose Curriculum Maps. This is embedded within the variation of tasks and maths lessons.

We use the NCETM Professional Development materials, alongside their curriculum map and White Rose resources with additional resourcing to ensure access and challenge for all within our maths teaching.


Planning has one purpose: to enable high quality delivery which meets the needs of all students. For this reason, we encourage teachers to plan maths collaboratively and adapt learning regularly to meet the needs of all students.

Teachers ensure that quick graspers are not carrying out tasks which they can already achieve. There is no rapid acceleration onto new content. They are moved on and challenged through reasoning, problem solving and diving deeper opportunities.

All mathematics learning at our school will be in mixed ability classes.

We use the White Rose and NCETM Curriculum Maps as guidance and tailor them for our cohort’s needs.

Planning is centred around real life contexts to ensure that the maths remains meaningful and is applied across the curriculum.

Assessment and misconceptions

Our marking and feedback policy enables AfL to take place continuously throughout each lesson to ensure each and every child is challenged and supported.


In order for children to be fluent with key knowledge (times tables, addition and subtraction facts) we have adopted the following approaches so that they can focus on spotting patterns in the mathematics they are learning: Mastering Number and Times Tables Rock Stars.


Communication, including the use of talk partners, is an essential element of our mathematics lessons. Children are encouraged to discuss their mathematics in order to both support others and deepen their own knowledge.

In order to generalise about maths, children are encouraged to use mathematical vocabulary and STEM sentences which form the basis of their reasoning for a specific learning intention. These further enable them to justify their mathematical understanding with a supportive structure.


Book looks, lessons observations and pupil voice are used to monitor the impact of our approach.

Want to know more? Watch this introductory video about Mastering Number from Debbie Morgan CBE, Director for Primary Mathematics at the NCETM here.